Visiting Nowlens Bridge Perennials
Friends and I made the trek to Nowlens Bridge Perennials late last August, it's about time I share my photos...Nowlens Bridge is located in Molalla, Oregon. About 40 miles south of Portland, it was a...
View ArticleIt's not a fern table, it's a fern corner...
You know that song I've been singing about ferns being the new "it" plant? Well the same day I posted a link to this article on my Facebook page, I came across this new installation at Portland Nursery...
View ArticleMaking the tough choices...(oh ya, and putting stuff In a Vase - on Monday)
I couldn't decide if was going to do an "in a vase..." post this week or not, there are so many other things competing for my attention...For instance I keep meaning to do a "state of the garden" post,...
View ArticleDaphne x houtteana, this can't possibly be normal
This photo was part of my last Bloomday post, when I discovered the first flowers on my Daphne x houtteana.Then I noticed the buds along the (formerly) bare stem and thought "cool" it's replacing he...
View ArticleWednesday Vignette, cactus times two
Last week's Vignette featured an Opuntia against a many-tone wooden fence. This week we're at the Desert Botanical Garden admiring this fabulous cactus...With its woody base.See, woody!Ever the...
View ArticleBut first we went to K's...
Back in January, when I made my much-needed escape to the sunshine of southern California, I got to tour the private garden of K, friend and neighbor of Hoov of Piece of Eden fame. Hoov had mentioned...
View ArticleMonth-end Fav's, new plants!
Decisions decisions! I thought about doing this month's "favorites" post about the plants that have surprised me, ones hanging-on, despite our horrid winter and early spring. But some of them are so...
View ArticleIn a Vase on Monday - via the AIFD at the NWFGS
No doubt some of you remember seeing a few of these photos on the Outlaw's blog, for that reason I almost didn't post them. But ya know, we all see things differently...and I want to make sure I have...
View ArticleSo I had to play in the sunshine (my visit to Swansons Nursery)...
Let's turn the clock's February 24th and I was on my second day at the Northwest Flower and Garden show, inside the Washington State Convention Center. Suddenly I caught sight of a clear blue...
View ArticleWednesday Vignette, more Opuntia craziness
Last week's vignette reminded me of another opportunistic Opuntia I spotted in Arizona, this one in Tucson, in 2011. So, for this week's vignette I'm reposting photos and text from that post....
View ArticleOld Germantown Gardens
Old Germantown Gardens, aka the garden of Bruce Wakefield and Jerry Grossnickle, was one of the stops during the Portland Garden Bloggers Fling in 2014. I wasn't able to make the pre-fling tour, and...
View ArticleBizarre Plants Handbook
When we were in Los Angles, in January, Andrew made sure dinner one night was in Little Tokyo, he spent a couple of years in Japan and loves the food and energy of the culture. He picked a restaurant...
View ArticleIn a Vase on Monday; Hellebore, Scabiosa and friends... plus seedlings!
Just a single little arrangement on the mantle this week for Cathy's "In a Vase on Monday" meme...The insane wind broke a stem of Helleborus x 'Golden Sunrise' when the world gives you lemons...It...
View ArticleBack to Little Prince of Oregon Nursery
Two years ago I was part of a group of garden bloggers invited to visit Little Prince of Oregon Nursery. I wrote a lengthy post about that visit (here) with a lot of photos. I missed the repeat in...
View ArticleWednesday Vignette; the Spiral Jetty, Desert Version
Another image from the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoeniz, AZ. I loved this planting so much, although I was left wondering if it was finished, or perhaps the Agaves placed at the end of the spiral...
View ArticleA revisit: to a very densely planted, beautiful, garden...
We've been here before, way back in 2012. It was time to visit again...I am just as impressed now as I was then. This gardener knows how to layer...Obviously the bright sun isn't doing us any favors,...
View ArticleGarden Bloggers Bloomday, for April 2017
I'm cheating, again. Tomorrow, the 15th, is actually Bloomday. But tomorrow is also Hortlandia, the big Hardy Plant Society of Oregon's spring plant sale. Thus, knowing I would be otherwise occupied, I...
View ArticleIn a Vase on Monday, Kitchen Brights
Just a pair of small arrangements this week, for Cathy's "In a Vase" meme...They're on a shelf in the kitchen.Under the orange candy wall pocket (there is a candy shaped just like that, but I can't...
View ArticleNot bad, for a couple of days "work"...
I've not been shy about sharing my plant acquisitions this spring. Some of you have expressed concern that I might not have the space to plant the things I've already shown (I do, winter opened up a...
View ArticleWednesday Vignette; Saguaro — four ways
Back to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix for a look at some crazy Saguaro business...First up a little crested vignette action. Kind of reminds me of my mystery purchase at last weekend's plant...
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