Visiting @vasyazub and his fantastic plant collection
On a Wednesday in late August Eric and set out to visit Vasiliy (@vasyazub on Instagram) up in SW Washington. I've followed Vasiliy online for years, but we'd never met in person. I was excited to see...
View ArticleHPSO Open Gardens: neighbors Barb Christopher and Marjorie Hirsch
One of the perks of membership in the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon are the member open gardens. On any weekend (and some Monday evenings) between early May and late September there are gardens open...
View ArticleHPSO Open Gardens: Darcy Daniels
After visiting Barb and Marjorie's gardens my next stop was Darcy Daniels place. I've written twice on Darcy's garden, the first way back in 2011, and the next in 2019. Although she's primarily...
View ArticleHPSO Open Gardens: neighbors Linda Ernst and Joanne Fuller
Today's post is on the final pair of HPSO Open Gardens I saw last June. I hadn't planned to visit these last gardens. I'd been to them both fairly recently and I wasn't sure I had the time. But then...
View ArticleWhat We Sow; a conversation with Jennifer Jewell
My friend Jennifer Jewell—author of the hugely successful The Earth in Her Hands: 75 Extraordinary Women Working in the World of Plants and the creator/host of the Cultivating Place podcast—has a new...
View Article2023 Tour, the front garden
It's tour time again! Each year I do a thorough look at the garden, usually taking the photos in late summer and posting them sometime mid-autumn. These posts are meant to preserve a moment in time, to...
View Article2023 Tour, the back garden
Welcome back to my annual garden tour. In the last post we took a look around the front garden, which means today we'll explore the back. Please grab a beverage and get comfy cause this is gonna be a...
View ArticleOne final project before the Great Migration began
I've owned this looped piece of wire for years. I always kind of saw it covered with plants, but hadn't ever gotten around to actually doing anything about it. Mid-September—about the time I needed to...
View ArticleBack to NYC and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Part 1
No, sadly I'm not back in NYC. This is a leftover post from our trip last October. I wrote about Little Island, the High Line, New York Botanical Garden and Wave Hill, but somehow never got around to...
View ArticleBack to NYC and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Part 2
We're back at Brooklyn Botanic Garden (Part 1 here)—in the conservatory complex—and I've just walked into the Desert Pavilion. As nice as it was to be in that environment—and as much as I love that it...
View ArticleA small snippet of Central Park
After my visit to the Urban Garden Center in Harlem I looked at a map decided to walk the 1.7 miles back to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where I'd left Andrew earlier in the day—"the day" being back...
View ArticleHe's got seeds for brains!
Hope you have a fun Halloween. This banner was hanging in the garage at Thomas Hobbs and Brent Beattie's place, which I toured during the 2023 Study Weekend. I thought it was perfect for today's...
View ArticleI finally got to visit Terrain, during the Philly Fling
Terrain stores have always been just beyond my reach. For years I lived 3 blocks from an Urban Outfitters, and there's an Anthropologie less than 6 miles from my house, but Terrain (the part of the...
View ArticleDavid Culp's Brandywine Cottage during a tropical storm
I am a fair-weather gardener, although my definition of just exactly what constitutes fair weather may differ from yours. Sunny days are my favorite, and warm ones too. I'd be out working in 80-90+...
View ArticleGilded with moss
I wish I could remember where I read something described as being "gilded with moss." It's a great phrase don't you think? It's stuck with me, and I'm thinking of it more and as it is the season when...
View ArticleVisiting the farm on Dairy Creek...
Many of you have toured the garden known as Floramagoria: it's been open nearly every year for HPSO members, PNW Study Weekend attendees were able to visit in both 2015 and 2019, and Fling attendees...
View ArticleJenny Rose Carey's Northview, during the Philly Fling
Isn't it interesting how differently we each see a garden? And for garden bloggers it's not just how we see it, but how we chose to present it. The Fling offers a crash course in these differences,...
View ArticleRancho Cacto!
When I first saw the Rancho Cacto name and logo on a plant label, I remember thinking: a new nursery?! Yay! Then of course I wondered, who are these people and where are they located!? The who is Molly...
View ArticleAgave hunting at Kalama Harbor Lodge
It had been a good long while since I put eyes on the gardens at McMenamins Kalama Harbor Lodge, so here we are.It's pretty amazing how mature the plants are, then again when I stop to do the math I...
View ArticleChanticleer Friday kick-off...
I finally visited Chanticleer! It was amazing and I want to share all of the amazingness with you! (and I am going to...)But first a little personal backstory, because that's how I roll...I first heard...
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